Our services amplify eCommerce & Digital performance!
At Digital Shelf Works® we are obsessed with our clients – we love making their problems our own, believing that every one of those has a soliton! We amplify eCommerce & Digital performance for our clients, achieved through comprehensive solutions, tailored to their requirements, aimed at long term success.
We are there to revise your eCommerce Strategy, create winning eContent for your Product Pages & Brand Stores, manage & optimize Digital Shelf performance, develop a tailored Capabilities Academy, assist in selecting the optimal platform-solution partner for your eCommerce needs, or go as far as building successful off-shore teams – enhancing your internal organization. And with our team of eCommerce, eBusiness & Digital Marketing experts, having worked in B2C, B2B2C and B2B, we are confident to address the most significant problems in & around the Digital Shelf.
eCommerce Strategy
With our background in writing success stories for leading multinational companies, we are excited to help our clients to win shoppers, consumers & customers alike. Defining where to play, how to win, establishing market potential & competitive landscape, benchmarking vs competitors, drive operational excellence, and build eCommerce expertise are just some of the topics we can support you with.
Digital Shelf, a.k.a. Perfect Store
Our team of Digital Shelf Experts will provide the support your Brand needs to win shoppers, consumers & customers alike! Our goal is to win the Digital Shelf battle against your competitors.
We cater for needs ranging from selecting the optimal Digital Shelf Platform, through establishing your Digital Shelf Strategy, Project Management & class-leading roll out, set and achieve ambitious KPIs, create regular Call-to-Action plans per audience, all the way to making it part of daily work.
eContent Creation
We take special pride in our winning eCommerce Content – Visuals & Texts / Copy, all Mobile & eRetailer SEO optimized. Our proven track record speaks for increased conversion for shoppers, consumers & customers alike.
We design, adapt and amplify eCommerce Content, while working agile & simplifying related processes. Our centralised eContent creation provides optimum creative efficiency and complete brand consistency on national, international and global levels, across hundreds of eRetailers & Digital channels. And all achieved while adhering to respective requirements & without compromising on the initial strategic intent.
eContent Management & Distribution
We support organising, storing & delivering that content to all relevant channels. We enjoy taking this very important, but also mundane & often cumbersome task away from our clients.
Leave it to us to ensure your eContent is stored & managed, as well as optimally distributed to hundreds of eRetailers, Brand Sites, Webshops, D2C sites, etc. ‘Set and forget’ is how we refer to our service – we ensure your eContent is accurately performing where & when it was intended to be, while allowing you to focus your internal resources on other priorities.
eContent Measurement & Analytics
After ensuring content is live and perform as expected, we start measuring & improving performance on the respective Digital or eCommerce Shelves. Thanks to aligning our processes very closely with Brand Owners, we ensure full transparency, while independently resolving any issue that might occur.
Furthermore our eContent teams work very closely with our Digital Shelf operations, thus not only being always up-to-date with latest requirement changes & best practices, but crucially autonomously taking action to boost performance.