Digital Shelf Works®

Supporting Brands to Conquer the Digital Shelf

Digital Shelf Works® was born out of the need to support companies on their journey of winning in online sales in eRetail, a.k.a. the Digital Shelf

We amplify eCommerce & Digital performance for our clients through comprehensive solutions ranging from defining a winning Strategy, through best-in-class end-to-end eContent & leading Digital Shelf Support, Capability Building and Fully Managed Services, tailored to brands’ requirements.

Our unique, centralised solutions transform the way brand owners engage with shoppers, consumers and customers – eRetailers, online as well as in-store. Our experience spreads over more than 50 global brands, over 40 markets – across 5 continents and nearly 300 eRetailers.

Our Clients

Winning eCommerce Strategy

amplify game plan to win shoppers, consumers & customers and thereby unlocking eCommerce growth opportunity

Best-in-Class eContent

for increased conversion, covering all stages of the eCommerce Content – end-to-end services

Leading Digital Shelf

benefit from expert A-Z support, fully certified for the best Digital Shelf & Market Share solutions. Plug & play end-to-end services

eCommerce & Digital Capabilities

boost relevant expertise in all levels of your organization – from C-Level, through marketing & innovation, to sales

Fully Managed Services

expert eCommerce & Digital support – from a dedicated resource to full teams, to automatized services & solutions. Tailored to a client’s requirements & operational in as little as a few weeks

Our Partners

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